LAMIE Basic travel insurance


Luggage Insurance

Covered risks

Sum Insured 350,- EUR
Deductible 10% of the loss, Minimum 50,- EUR

Lost or Stolen Documents

Covered risks

Sum Insured 150,- EUR
Deductible 10% of the loss

Travel Personal Liability

Sum Insured 50.000,- EUR
Deductible 10% of the loss, Minimum 500,- EUR

Search and Rescue Costs

Sum Insured 1.000,- EUR
Deductible 10% of the loss, Minimum 50,- EUR

Please find details about the cover, exclusions of cover and all other relevant product information of LAMIE Basic Travel Insurance for A1 Customers in the following customer documents:

Insurance Product Information Document (IPID)
Terms & Conditions


If you want to file a claim, please download and fill out the following document and send it to